The goal of B612 is to protect Earth from asteroid impacts.
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British Astronomer Royal and Cosmologist
More NEO observations from the ground and from space are required to understand the asteroid hazard. More research on deflection and mitigation is necessary.
American astronomer and
co-discoverer of
Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9
American astronomer and
co-discoverer of
Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9
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Projects B612 undertakes are not just in the purview of large space agencies anymore. Private companies and nations now can compete with more ideas, more innovation and sometimes, collaboration. I think this takes the space industry, space science, and exploration to a whole new level.
Partner, DFJ
Partner, DFJ
Working proactively and internationally to prevent serious asteroid impact is a good step.
Professor of physics at Stanford University
Professor of physics at Stanford University
Our extended team of staff, collaborators, and partners are the best and are unparalleled in expertise. The success of our work is dependent on it.
We believe it is our responsibility to put our knowledge and expertise to work for the betterment of humanity.
We are driven by a thirst for knowledge. Our commitment to discovery is fed by a sense of wonder for the universe, and for our evolving capacity to explore it.
We believe in stepping up and addressing unmet challenges. We don’t believe in wishing for the best, but instead in exploring and devising solutions with the best outcomes.